I don't have a light in my hen house. Although I love getting eggs, I don't feel the need to push their physiology. I let them molt, I see it as a physical renewal and preparation for winter. Are they earning their keep? Not even close. I don't think there's anything wrong with adding artificial light to extend the laying season, I just choose not to. Maybe I'm lazy. I do have an extension cord out there, It provides heat to keep their water defrosted and powers the Christmas lights that I like to see during the holidays.
After probably 2 months of no eggs one of my hens has begun to lay again. Sam our "Americauna" Easter Egger has laid two days in a row. She has been one of my most prolific layers and provides the largest eggs. Plus they're green...thus the name, "Sam" as in "Sam-I-am". My son came up with that when we got her.
For Christmas, I got a trail cam...one of those cameras that you strap to a tree and when it senses something walking by it takes a picture of it. We have camping property that I want to use it at this summer to watch the deer and moose that come by when we're not there. I've been experimenting with it, mostly learning how to set it up and change settings. After figuring out the basics, I decided it would be fun to put in the chicken run and see what I get. The cool thing about this is not only the pictures but it tells the time, date and temperature. Now, we've been in the 20s and below for the past week so I was interested to see how warm the chicken's run was. Now keep in mind, the picture below was mid day, full sun and my chicken run is wrapped in plastic (except for a foot at the top to keep fresh air in). I was very happy to see it was a comfortable 64 degrees inside their run!

In the front is Sam, on the left is Wheezy, behind Sam is Rosie (Rhode Island Red) and Olga (polish). Henriette and Red are not in the picture...probably up to no good. My guess is they're sitting in the nest boxes NOT laying eggs and laughing.