
Photo credit: Tracy Halladay

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Not much going on in our coop these days, just a lot of feathers falling out.  The molt is on and they don't seem too happy about it. 

We've been cleaning out our gardens and raking up leaves.  It is a good time to mix some greens and browns in the run to let them break down and create some compost.  There is a method of composting called the "Deep Litter Method" that helps create heat for the hen house.  I have read articles by people who swear by it, I try to do it be able to add it to my gardens but I can't say that it creates much heat.  I just haven't verified it.  The theory is, chicken poop is full of nitrogen, the wood shavings are carbon, you need both to create compost.  What I don't see in the mix is some type of moisture which I have heard accelerates the process.  Oxygen is another component that microbes need to break down the materials so turning the mixture periodically will help.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Chicken Manure

If you're wondering what to do with the by-product of cleaning out your coop, here is a project you should consider:

DIY Tumbling Composter

The link above has a materials list and step by step instructions...something even a non-handyman like myself could pull off.

The blog I got this from often has great ideas for those of us with backyard chickens.  If you would like to subscribe to their emails, go on over to http://ipost.com/communitychickens/prefs and fill out the form.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Sorry for the delay in posting.  Summer has been busy and now that the kids are in school I am finding that we're even busier!

Rosie (front) and Red (rear) my RIR hens
I had an experience last night that had me quite concerned.  Red, one of our Rhode Island Red hens has a problem.  I had noticed earlier in the week her butt was quite caked with poo.  Then last night when I got home from work I noticed it looked like she had prolapsed.  If you are not familiar with the term, it means part of her lower large intestine was protruding out of her vent.  This is not a pretty site, and looked very sore.  Her temperament was good and it didn't look like the other hens were pecking at it yet, but I knew I had to deal with it.  She wouldn't let me catch her so I decided to wait until she went to bed.

When she went to bed, I prepared a plastic tub of warm soapy water and went and got her.  I sat her in the water and it was not something she was too happy about!  But, luckily she was very tired and remained fairly calm.  I had to hold her in the water to soften much of the poo and then I proceeded to gently clean her.  I have to admit, I wasn't able to get all the poo out of the feathers but I got almost all of it off her vent and her protruding guts.

I had read a couple articles earlier in the evening about how people helped their hens recover, they are easy to find on the net, but in short, here are the steps I took.

  1. prepare warm soapy water for a bath
  2. clean her as good as possible
  3. gently reinsert the intestines into the vent...That being said, every time I did, and I moved her they came back out.
  4. put her in a separate cage or pen to keep her safe.
  5. cover the pen somewhat to reduce light and keep her from laying an egg until she has had time to heal.
To my surprise I was happy to find this morning that her vent looks normal with nothing protruding.

Now, this happened to Red because she was constipated.  She had large grass balls trying to come out but were unable to exit.  I manually eased them out in pieces until she appeared empty.  Some hens prolapse when an egg cannot exit.  That is a scary situation because if it breaks, the shells can cut her.

I gave her water with some molasses in it since I heard it can act as a laxative and I don't want her straining.  So now I wait and watch for her to pass feces normally and keep her separated for a week or so until I feel she has recovered.

Bullet dodged!

Update 9/28/12:
I came home from work last night and checked on Red.  I was shocked to find she had laid an egg AND her prolapse had not returned.  I'm thinking she can go back with the flock this weekend.  I do have to give her another bath though.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Checkups for your Chickens

I just spent a couple weeks at two different youth camps.  It was a great way to enjoy the summer.  I did miss  my hens though while I was gone.  I got so desperate, I found myself trying to lure seagulls to eat from my hand while at the beach at Bear Lake.  One brave bird would fly by me and I would toss a piece of bread in the air and he would grab it.  That was fun.

I just read a great article with photos titled "9 Point Comb to Toe Checkup and DIY Antiseptic Ointment" on how to monitor the health of your chickens.

The article outlines 9 things to look for when analyzing their health.  You can find it at the following websitehttp://communitychickens.blogspot.com/2012/07/9-point-comb-to-toe-chicken-check-up.html#.UA_-PKOO4_g

It has lots of good information!

Friday, July 6, 2012

National Fried Chicken Day is on Friday, July 6, 2012.

Today is National Fried Chicken Day!

My original intent on raising chickens was to raise them for about a year and slaughter and start over.  I wanted a cycle of eggs and meat and wanted the experience of providing a small portion of my own food from beginning to end (aside from my garden).  Well, needless to say, as soon as my family saw the hens, they became pets and were removed from the menu.  I wasn't too disappointed, I had pet chickens as a kid and found them to be a very rewarding pet. 
Sam, came and took a nap watching me fix a sprinkler.
Wheezy came and sat on my lap while working on sprinklers.

Despite my love for chickens and admiration for their beauty, entertainment value and companionship, I have no hesitation in consuming fried chicken.  I've commented to my wife before that if I ever lost self control, I could end up being the guy they found with a KFC bucket in his lap dead from over consumption of fried chicken.  It is not just KFC that would do it.  I enjoy fried chicken from almost any source!

Not my chicken coop, but I have always loved this design!

So, here we are in July, a perfect time to have a plate of the best potato salad ever (my wife's ...just ask anyone who has eaten it!) with some crispy, juicy pieces of fried chicken.  I eat it mine in the back yard to remind my hens who's in charge. :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Mobile posts (test)

I just downloaded the android app for blogger and am testing posting from my phone.  It may be convenient at times but it is definitely not comfortable.

I'm in Garland today assisting with the primary election (in a tech-support role).  I like the rural towns because you get to see more chickens or chicken related items out by the farms.  I drove past an older home today with a well manicured lawn and saw several hens and a rooster enjoying the shade of the trees.  It reminded me of the nickname chickens had about a hundred years ago here in the states.  People often called chickens 'yard birds' because almost every household had some in the yard supplying the family with fresh eggs and renewable meat.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Heat

First, you may notice a new link on the right to a blog called "Fresh Eggs Daily" They have had great advice and fantastic pictures.  I love seeing pictures of other peoples chickens, coops and yards.  I think it is worth having a link on the sidebar to make it easy for you to find them because they have had great advice. 

Which brings me to today's topic...HEAT.  Weather here in Utah is inching up (sometimes jumping) and this can be a shock on chicken's bodies...I have noticed a drop in egg laying (especially by my brown layers for some reason) as the heat crept upward.  I did a lot of reading and to counter the higher temperatures, I have made a few changes in how I treat the girls in the back yard.

Check out the size of that middle green egg!

First, I cut back on treats.  They love a handful of scratch and I was giving them more than that.  Scratch is high in fat, has a lot of corn and can cause them to heat up quite a bit.  They need about 18% protein in their diet to optimally provide eggs, so I made sure to give them fewer treats and keep them stocked on their laying feed.

Second,  I change their water more often.  In the cooler weather, the water stayed cool and they would drink until the waterer was nearly empty.  Now I dump it and put fresh in about every other day.  They have liked that alot.

Third, I have hung a fabric on the east side of their run (the west is protected by the hen house).  This has kept temperatures in the run cooler while letting air through.  I let them free range in my backyard in the evenings and they really appreciate finding cool shady areas to rest.

Now, instead of copying the whole post, I want to encourage you to go to http://fresh-eggs-daily.blogspot.com/2012/03/beating-heat.html.  Fresh Eggs Daily has some great ideas and photos for how they beat the heat as well.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

2012 Chicken Week Reminder

(From a Salt Lake Chicken Enthusiast)

Saturday, June 23 - Saturday, June 30

Various events and locations
If you have never been involved with Wasatch Community Gardens' Chicken Week, make 2012 your year! We are hosting TWO Tours de Coops again this year; our 7th Annual Downtown Tour de Coops and our 2nd Annual South Valley Tour de Coops. We will also be holding our  urban fowl keeping workshop to teach you everything you need to know about being a successful fowl keeper in the city, and our 3rd Annual Early Bird Brunch fundraiser at Squatters. So, pack up the whole family, come to some really fun events, and find out why there are so many chicken enthusiasts in our city.
In March, I posted that I would love for those of us in Brigham City to get together and plan and host our own Tour de Coops.  I have noticed more and more backyard coops and some I drop off a buisness card to that gives the website to this blog.  If you would like to print off and hand out these cards yourself, download the PDF file here:  Brigham City Chicken Business Cards.

Here's something fun I stumbled on that you might enjoy:

Free Ranging Your Flock

Deciding to Free Range Your Flock

Often one of the first things a new chicken owner wants to do is let the flock out to free-range.  One of the joys of owning chickens is watching "chicken TV" as they interact with each other, you, and their environment.  Free-ranging provides a larger and more varied environment for your chickens. Before free-ranging your chickens, however, there are some steps you should take to make sure your flock gains the most benefits from free-ranging, that they remain safe, and that they return to the safety of the coop at night.   One of the jobs of responsible animal husbandry (taking care of animals used for food or products), is to provide them with a safe environment.  There is no way to ensure 100% safety, but there are ways to make their free-ranging as safe as possible.

FreeRange.7.9.11.jpgFirst, let’s define free-ranging.  It does NOT mean turning your chickens loose outside and letting them fend for themselves.  If you look at USDA regulations, you’ll find that in order for poultry producers to label their chickens as free-range (or free-roam) they “must demonstrate to the Agency that the poultry has been allowed access to the outside.”  That broad definition allows a lot of leeway in how to manage your free-range chickens.  It does not specify the quality of the outside area, the amount of outside area or the duration of time spent outside. If you purchase free-range eggs or chickens, it would be a good idea to find out what that specific producer considers "free-range." 

For the purpose of this article, we will discuss backyard flocks - not large poultry producers.  We will also define free-ranging as allowing your chickens to be outside of an enclosed pen for all or part of the day.  That doesn’t mean there can’t be fences.  Chickens can free-range within a larger fenced-in area such as a pasture, a field or even a back yard.  Just remember that while fences will help contain your flock, chickens can and do fly over them.  And while many fences may help contain chickens, they do little to keep out predators.

In deciding whether or not your chickens can free-range, you should study the benefits and dangers of free-ranging and decide what will work best for your particular flock.  There is no “one size fits all” method of free-ranging.   Some people decide that the dangers are too great, and so they work to provide their chickens with a large run where they can still get plenty of exercise and fresh air but in a protected environment.  Others let their chickens free-range while managing the risks as best they can.

First, what are the benefits of free-ranging?

Benefits of free-ranging
  • Reduced feed costs – When chickens free-range, they eat bugs, grasses, seeds, leaves and other treats they find outside, and that means they eat less feed.
  • Higher quality eggs and meat – Check out this article from Mother Earth News to find out what a big difference free-ranging makes in the nutritional content of eggs. http://www.motherearthnews.com/eggs.aspx.  Free-ranging provides benefits to chickens that are raised for meat as well.  According to The Sustainable Table (http://www.sustainabletable.org/issues/pasture/), “free-range chickens have 21% less total fat, 30% less saturated fat and 28% fewer calories than their factory-farmed counterparts."  Simply put, eggs and meat from free-ranged chickens are healthier for us.
  • Insect control – Chicken love to eat a wide variety of insects.  When they free-range, they are able to find and eat more insects.  Many people let chickens free-range in their gardens during the winter to help control grubs and other insects that could harm their plants later in the year.
  • Fertilizing and aerating the soil – all that scratching, pecking and pooping in the soil does a great job of keeping the dirt loosened, fertilized and aerated.
  • More natural – When chickens free-range, they are able to do what nature intended them to do.  They can scratch and dig in the dirt to find bugs and leaves and to forage for other things to eat.  They can run and exercise their wings by flying short distances.  They can snooze in the sun or find a nice place to take a dust bath which is essential in controlling parasites and conditioning their skin.

Now let's look at the dangers of free-ranging.

Dangers of free-ranging
  • Predators - The biggest challenge of free-ranging is protecting the flock from predators.  While well-constructed fences may keep out some dogs, coyotes and other 4-legged predators, many predators can (and do) climb or dig under, jump over or navigate their way through fences.  Flying predators (owls, hawks, etc.) are a common danger for free-ranged chickens.  It’s difficult to protect your flock from overhead attacks.

First be aware.  Even if you’re inside the house, listen for excessive noise from the chickens outside.  Chickens frequently squawk and cluck, but as you become more familiar with your flock, you’ll learn what sounds they make when they’re panicked or feeling threatened.  If you hear unusual sounds from your chickens, investigate immediately.

Second, provide cover for your chickens.  When free-range chickens are threatened, they can use the cover of a shelter or  trees, bushes and other vegetation for protection from predators.

Another solution is to have a livestock guardian dog (LGD). An LGD can be an invaluable asset in protecting your flock.  However, an improperly trained LGD can become a predator as well.  Don’t get an LGD unless you can provide the necessary training.  Training an LGD takes a year or more of consistent time and work with the dog.  Many livestock owners swear by them.  Before getting an LGD, learn as much as possible to determine whether one would be right for you and your flock and whether or not you can set aside the time daily for training.

Leroy.3.4.2012.jpgHave a rooster with your flock.  At first the thought of having a rooster wasn't appealing to me.  However, we ended up with one anyway after buying some straight run chicks.  When our young and beautiful rooster saw a hawk one day, he sounded the alarm for the hens,  All the hens ran to shelter, and the rooster faced the hawk by himself.  We heard the commotion and quickly ran outside, but the hawk had already killed the rooster.  Our roo died protecting his flock.  Most roosters instinctively look out for their hens.  The hens stay near him as they free-range, and the rooster keeps an eye out for predators such as hawks, owls, foxes and raccoons - anything he recognizes as dangerous.

Many chicken owners use supervised free-ranging.  After my rooster was killed by a hawk, I decided to do this.  My chickens have an especially large covered run.  So they get some of the benefits of free-ranging inside the run - flying, roosting, scratching and pecking in the dirt.  However I also let them out of the run as often as possible.  I do so only when I can be outside to supervise.  I usually work in the garden, yard or around the chicken coop during that time.  That way I can keep an eye on them and watch for possible dangers.

Portable coops or runs can also be used.  Portable coops and runs can be utilized to vary the area for free-ranging.  Once the chickens recognize the portable coop as "home," they will return to it at dusk each day and they will return to it as shelter from predators.  One advantage of a portable coop is that you can move it around the property in order to fertilize and aerate a larger area - and you can keep the chickens from completely stripping one area.  It provides a nearby place for the chickens to run for safety.

Finally, no matter what you do to protect your chickens while free-ranging, you will likely lose one occasionally.  If you don't feel you can handle a loss, then free-ranging probably isn't for you.  It can be distressing to find a partially eaten chicken, to have a chicken just disappear or to find that a few feathers are all that's left of your favorite chicken.  However, most free-range flock owners accept that an occasional loss is the trade-off for allowing their chickens to roam freely. 

  • Weather - Another danger to free-range chickens is the weather.  A covered shelter or access to their coop (permanent or portable) is necessary in case of heavy rain, hail or other weather-related threats.

  • Chickens may find “unusual” places to lay their eggs - While this isn’t a “danger,” it is an inconvenience you may experience.  When chickens free-range for a large part of the day, they will often lay their eggs in a cozy-looking place outside rather than in the nest boxes in the coop.  Sometimes you can find caches of 20 or more eggs that have been laid in a hollow in the ground, under a bush, or anywhere else that appeals to the chickens.  If you keep the chickens in the coop for the first week or two, they become accustomed to laying in the nest boxes, and they’ll hopefully continue returning to the nest boxes to lay even when they’re free-ranging.  You can also provide nest boxes outside for your hens.  Despite efforts to encourage them to lay in nest boxes, there’s no sure-fire way to prevent them from laying elsewhere. If you have a sudden decrease in the number of eggs each day, observe your hens as they free-range to see where else they might be laying.

  • Landscape damage - If you have a favorite flower bed that you don't want destroyed, devise some way to keep your chickens out of it.  Chickens seem to have an uncanny ability to zero in on any area where you don't want them to forage. Their natural instinct to scratch, peck and take dust baths can spell disaster for gardens and mulched areas.  At one time I kept a leaf blower handy, and as soon as the chickens were back in the coop, I blew all the mulch back into the shrubbery area.  Whether or not this is a concern for you depends on the area where your chickens will free-range. 

Getting your flock to return to their coop at night
When I got my first flock of chickens, I was eager to let them free range.  However, I was afraid they would wander too far and/or not go back to the coop to roost at night.  I worried that if I had to go inside or run some errands, I wouldn't be able to get them back to the coop & pen where they'd be safe until I returned.  The solution ended up being fairly simple.

For the first week (at least) keep the chickens in their coop.  By forcing them to stay in the coop for a period of time, you are teaching them that the coop is “home” and that it is a safe place for them to be.  They also should learn to layFreeRangeb.7.9.11.jpg their eggs in the nest boxes in the coop during this confinement period.  You might feel that it’s overly strict or “mean” to keep them confined, but it will save you a lot of trouble in the long run.  And as long as there is sufficient room for the chickens in the coop, they will be fine.  A quick search of “how big should the coop be?” on BYC will locate many discussions to guide you in determining how many chickens your coop can house.

After the week in the coop, wait until about an hour before dusk, and let them out to free-range – leaving the coop door open so they can return when they are ready.  Stay outside with them the first few times to keep an eye on them and to make sure none wander too far away.  Except for the occasional renegade, the chickens will invariably head for the coop when it begins to get dark.  You might have to physically place some birds in the coop initially, but, in my experience, they all eventually learn what to do.

Sometimes I want my chickens to return to the coop during the day.  In order to do that, I've trained them using both my words and actions.  I have a specific cup that I fill with freeze-dried mealworms. You can use sunflower seeds, cracked corn - any kind of treat.  I take the cup, shake it so that there is a noise and call, "Here, chick chick chick!" - and they come running.  I drop a few mealworms along the way and continue calling "Chick, chick, chick!" as I walk into the pen - and they follow me.  Once they're all in, I give them the rest of the mealworms as a reward, and I close the door.  It will take at least a week or two of training, but this method has worked many times for me. 

Finally, when you want to begin free-ranging your flock, research the benefits and dangers and then make an informed decision about what you feel will work best for your flock.  Except for the basics of responsible animal husbandry, nothing is written in stone.  Be open to modifying your free-ranging set-up as needed - and then enjoy the benefits of a free-ranged flock.

(This article reprinted from Backyardchickens.com -A great resource for chicken info!)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Change in Blog's Description

I have recently changed the description of this blog.  My thoughts being that since the city adopted a more chicken-friendly pet code which keeps many of us from being underground this blog has moved from advocating the change in the pet code to more of a support for those of us who either have or would like to have pet chickens.

Hopefully the resources posted on the right, along with insights I may have learned over the past few years will be helpful to those who visit.  I am grateful for the information I received from many websites as I undertook this project. 

In doing so, I have been very happy with chickens as pets.  The social dynamic that a flock has is very interesting.  They are rewarding pets each with different personalities.

   Olga is a White Crested Polish and one of my oldest hens.  Because of her breed she is a little more on the skittish side.  Also, since I didn't raise her from a chick she has other experiences in her life prior to coming to my house that may make her that way.  She did once get snatched by a neighbor's dog...when the dog came into our back yard.  She recovered and seems to talk more than she did before the incident.

Rosie (and Red) are Rhode Island Red hens and Rosie is also one of my oldest hens.  With the lack of any roosters she has taken on the role of protector.  She is an awesome 'mother hen' to the rest of the flock.  She is not a genetic mother to any of the other hens but she treats them very well.  When I bring out treats she will often take a treat, drop it, cluck, pick it up, drop it, cluck, pick it up...until the others come and then she lets them eat first.  When she feels everyone has had a fair chance, only then will she eat.
 Rosie and Red

Plays with chickens in Perry-Standard Examiner

The Standard Examiner posted a great story yesterday of a family in Perry and their chickens.  Follow link below:

Plays with chickens

Monday, May 7, 2012

New Nest Boxes

Well, as promised, I hijacked a friend and together we built new nest boxes for the ladies.  I think I made them a little too big.  The chickens don't seem to mind but I don't look how the inside of the hen house looks now.  I just have them propped up in place but need to come up with a more permanent way of having them in place.
Gluing and Stapling the walls in place

Adding some blocking to keep wood chips in place

Finished product

Henriette was the first to try out and christen the box

Sam quickly took her place.
By the way, the studly friend who helped me build these is the same one who created my wonderful Brigham City Chickens sign that you see at the top of the page!  THANKS HOWIE.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Nesting Boxes

One of the advantages of having chickens is that they give you eggs.  In making the hens feel more comfortable and making it more convenient to collect the eggs people make nesting boxes in which the hens lay.  There are many ideas for nesting boxes, from using old buckets or milk crates to building external additions to the hen house with shingled top and hinged access.

When I built our current hen house, I purchased a cheap 2 shelf book shelf and used it as the nest.  They say hens need about 12 inch square and 18 inch deep.  This was a little bigger but they have been happy enough with it.   It has had some problems that I wasn't happy with and with the use (and abuse) over the past couple years, I decided it was time to upgrade.

I have wanted one built on the outside with the hinged lid and the easy-access nests and had my self convinced to proceed in that direction.  There are pros and cons to having boxes on the outside.  Building them seems more complicated, keeping weather out becomes an issue.  I'm not a great builder and rely on the skills of a long time friend who has had a career in house construction.  On the Pro side, you have ease of access and added room inside the hen house. 

I have spent some time looking at what other people had done and I think I have found the best of both worlds.  That would be nest boxes that reside internally, with only an access hatch on the outside!  In my searching, I found a blog where someone had done just that.  I stumbled on foxhavenjournal's blog which had nice pictures and details about what they did.

So now I have an idea in mind, I need to come up with dimensions and a rough plan.  My 6 hens have had a hard time sharing 2 boxes, I think I'll expand to 3.  With a rough plan and a promise of exchanging some IT work with my contractor friend, I can see us getting some work done!

Monday, April 9, 2012


Its Easter time and many people end up with chicks.  This is sometimes unfortunate as the unwitting family ends up with a pet that they are not prepared to deal with.  Brooding is the process of raising a chick from just being hatched to one that can survive the elements on its own.  
Chicks in a brooder with heat lamp, food and water

I've only done this once, so I am not an expert.  That being said, by following some simple directions, raising chicks at home can be a fun experience for adults and children.  I will outline some advantages and disadvantages and then refer you to resources that will be able to give you proper instructions and things to watch out for in the process.

  • You pick out the chick and are involved in the process.  Different breeds have different characteristics; from egg laying ability to cold hardiness to personality or temperament.
  • The chick is dependent on you for its safety and health.  The first month of its life is critical. (This could also be seen as a disadvantage).
  • The chick gets to know you and recognize your voice and learn its name.  Granted, this gets harder if you are purchasing a flock.  Our one chick that was raised by us knows its name when we call it and comes to her name.  
  • Brooding (raising chicks from hatchling) gives you a deep-dive course in poultry.  You will develop an understanding of their needs and this will help you as they grow up.
  • They are so darn cute
  • A little knowledge is necessary before getting started.
  • Some equipment is necessary for chicks (heat lamp, special feed, brooder that can grow if you get a bunch of chicks etc.)
  • A little more time and effort intensive.
  • Mixing them in an existing flock can be problematic as a new pecking order is established.  Chicks will need to be safe and it may not be a pleasant experience for your family if you don't know what to expect.  New chicks or hens are not immediately accepted as members of the flock.  Yes, blood can be shed.  
  • There's a good chance some chicks will die.  Some don't get water or get walked on by the others or some don't get the right amount of heat.  You can regulate these to minimize your loss, but some just don't make it.

OK, on to the resources.  Utah State Extension has a great list of guide sheets for beginning your experience with raising backyard poultry.  Go to Poultry Fact Sheets for a list of guides that can help with a wide variety of subjects.  Brooding Fact sheet speaks specifically about raising chicks from scratch.  There are many reliable resources on the internet.  Take a look at the list to the right of this page or google "brooding chickens" for a list of resources

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Brigham City Tour de Coops??

Ok people, it's time for some pre-preparation...I doubt that is even a word but here's what has been rolling around in my head (and the head of my wife). 

We have attended Salt Lake's Tour de Coops the past couple years (Salt Lake will do their 2012 tour on June 23rd and June 30th.  Go to http://wasatchgardens.org/calendar for more information). We think it would be great if the chicken enthusiasts of Brigham City, join together next year and do our own Tour de Coops.  I think we should have 6-10 of us willing to share our yards on one particular day during mid to late June.  This will give us all time to get the yards in shape and coops cleaned out.  This will be an opportunity to share our interest, educate our friends and neighbors and promote the benefits to raising chickens in Brigham City.

In order to do this, we need more people to read this blog or contact me so I will know if there is interest in this event.  Spread the word, evangelize, proselytize, advertize and hopefully by 2013 we'll have a fun successful event!

Below are some pictures I took from last years Tour de Coops in Salt Lake City to get you excited:

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Percentage of Major US Cities Allowing Backyard Hens

I stumbled across something interesting today. Check out this Billings blog advocating backyard chickens. They have quite an interesting entry showing the percentage of US cities allowing backyard hens: Billings Blog

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

When I first made a home for my hens, I really liked the idea of a small moveable tractor.  Something that could be rotated around the garden or dragged up onto the lawn.  I made mine from scratch after looking at lots and lots of pictures.  I am not a builder so I tried to make it as easy as possible.  I built a simple A-Frame, put hardware cloth on 2/3 of it, and enclosed the other 1/3 for roosting and nesting.  On the rear, I attached a couple old large lawn mower wheels so I could pick up the front and drag more easily.   It was not real attractive but the hens never complained and gave me lots of eggs.   I like the idea of a portable coop (although I have changed to a stationary one that I find attractive and gives me easier accessibility to cleaning).  Since I like the idea of a moveable tractor, I wanted to share with you one I found online that seems attractive and very functional.  I haven't dealt with this company but their prices are on their website.  They have a couple different versions available depending on how many hens you have and how big you want it to be.

Go to http://www.eggcartn.com/ to see their selection.  They have a couple nice Youtube videos available that show their product in greater detail.

They seem pricey to me (but I'm pretty cheap), but their features seem pretty great.  I liked that they could be enclosed, that would help with our cold winters...but I would want to make sure they had some airflow to minimize fumes from droppings and build up of moist air which could lead to frostbit combs.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Community Cluckers

I found a great blog from a fellow chicken enthusiast that you may enjoy. I don't eat my hens but if I got hungry or lived outside the city where I could raise more, I wouldn't hesitate.

Community Cluckers